Jeremy Thompson – Let’s Talk Turtles!

It all started with a Loggerhead Musk turtle, then two, and then eventually a small group that my dad and I kept in a large kiddie pool on our screened in lanai. As I look back on the early days of keeping turtles, I can’t help but realize how my focus was very much centered around spacious enclosures (relative to the size of the turtles kept) that fostered my ability to observe their unique behaviors. Whether it was a Florida Box turtle, a Loggerhead Musk or my first Red-cheeked Mud turtles, I was hooked on turtles at an early age.

My collection of turtles and tortoises changed and grew over time to what is now The Kinixys Cooperative, a dedicated Hingeback Tortoise breeding facility. Although I am focused on preserving a genus of tortoise that is in dire need of propagation in the US, I am also contributing to conservation efforts for Hingeback Tortoises in their native range. My role in this wonderful hobby is supported by exceptional turtle keepers, institutions, and organizations.

One of the best opportunities to meet many of these amazing people is at the annual Turtle and Tortoise Preservation Group conference in Mesa, Arizona. The TTPG is comprised of turtle enthusiasts from all walks of life. At the conference, you will meet veterinarians, hobbyists, turtle farmers, zoo keepers, and many other pillars of our community. Everyone is approachable, knowledgeable, and just happy to talk turtles!

I hope to see you at the conference in November

Jeremy Thompson

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